Canada Day

Canada Day

1049 Kirkwall Road

Jul 01 2018 to Jul 01 2018

Region : Greater Toronto Area     City: Rockton

  •  Add to Calendar 2018-07-01 2018-07-01 America/Toronto Canada Day Tour the village and discover what life was like in early Canada. Visit the historic buildings, gardens and forests, stroll on the boardwalk or take a hike on the trails. This is a great opportunity for new Canadians to experience the history of Canada. For more information visit 1049 Kirkwall Road Randall Kovacs
Jul 01
Jul 01


Tour the village and discover what life was like in early Canada. Visit the historic buildings, gardens and forests, stroll on the boardwalk or take a hike on the trails. This is a great opportunity for new Canadians to experience the history of Canada. For more information visit