Perseids Meteor Party - Star Party at Gordon's Park

Perseids Meteor Party - Star Party at Gordon's Park

18777 Hwy. 6 R.R. #1

Aug 11 2017 to Aug 14 2017

Region : Northern Ontario     City: Tehkummah

  •  Add to Calendar 2017-08-11 2017-08-14 America/Toronto Perseids Meteor Party - Star Party at Gordon's Park Gordon’s Park has been hosting star parties for over 15 years. We are home to a dark sky preserve which boasts some of the darkest skies in Ontario, with the ability to see 7.5+ magnitude stars on the best nights, horizon to horizon viewing and a Sky Quality Meter reading (Unihedron Inc.) of 21.96 magnitudes /sq.arcsec. We believe in bringing together first-time viewers, amateurs, and veteran astronomers to explore and appreciate what the night sky has to offer. This is why we also host Astronomy Nights during our star parties that are open to the public. 18777 Hwy. 6 R.R. #1 Rita Gordon
Aug 11
Aug 14


Gordon’s Park has been hosting star parties for over 15 years. We are home to a dark sky preserve which boasts some of the darkest skies in Ontario, with the ability to see 7.5+ magnitude stars on the best nights, horizon to horizon viewing and a Sky Quality Meter reading (Unihedron Inc.) of 21.96 magnitudes /sq.arcsec. We believe in bringing together first-time viewers, amateurs, and veteran astronomers to explore and appreciate what the night sky has to offer. This is why we also host Astronomy Nights during our star parties that are open to the public.